Monday, November 27, 2006

TWBN#5: Bad British Food

We have a reputation in the UK for producing bad food and expecting people to eat it. Our rep is particularly bad with our european neighbour, France. Our food tends to be functional, as in "fill 'er up mate", and french people are more often brought up to treat food more seriously. Well all I can say is it's a bit better than it used to be! (Does that sound too enthusiastic?). Nowadays you can usually at least get a half decent meal in most places. The worst locations for food in the UK used to be motorway service stations and schools. Our own cheeky chirper Jamie Oliver has recently got stuck into school meals - I mean trying to help make them better - and good on him for having a go, even if some freedom fighters disagree. The Government are also talking about reintroducing cooking at school, which should also help, but I've heard that the current equivalent is more about planning a menu for people with special dietary requirements than learning how to cook something nice.

1 comment:

Sean Phillips said...

Ant, good to hear from you. Janette and I were talking about you just the other day as she's made a present for Jo's birthday. You can email me through my website if you like.