Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cost of Ink, non-attack advert, Female Circumcision

Have you got an HP printer? I've got a 960c and the cartridges cost a bomb. There's a graph here which compares prices. That made me laugh. This is a clever political advert. Not seen that trick before. It's good to see a political advert that isn't a personal attack on an opponent.

A conference about Female Circumcision in Egypt; not a common subject in the news. The conference included some muslims who spoke against the practise.

Update: Since I wrote the above, there have been developments.
Scholars at the conference agreed that Female Genital Mutilation (also called "Female Circumcision") was un-islamic and should be treated as abuse. Sweet progress.

1 comment:

Naughty or Nice List said...

This is good stuff. Great job on the blog.

I love going from blog to blog seeing what people are up to in other parts of the world.

If you have a minute visit my site, it is setup as a family joke. We've put Jimmy C’s wish list on it to determine if he has been naughty or nice this year.

The big guy needs all the support he can get. Take a minute to vote. It's all in good fun.