Thursday, January 18, 2007

Breaking Taboos in Drag

I saw this story linked on Reddit. It's about Salim Ali, a drag artist in Pakistan who presents a television show. There's also a selection of clips from her shows on YouTube, e.g. this one. It reminded me of a South African comedian called Pieter-Dirk Uys, who lampooned the Apartheid Government as the socialite Evita Bezuidenhout. I also found an article at the BBC about a Zimbabwean drag artist called Kudah Samuriwo. Perhaps drag is particularly effective in macho countries, but these artists are obviously pretty brave with it; imagine the intimidation they get from their countrymen! The African girls seem more radical and have now shifted their fight as much against HIV/AIDS as their governments, whereas Salim Ali is more mainstream. She is able to do this by virtue of the ambiguity of being a man dressed as a woman; women would not be allowed to do the same thing, yet she can take on this role and flirt with her guests in a way that would otherwise be unacceptable.

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